1. it is about trusting enough to be in someone else's hands, Her will. If She knows me, She will gain by doing what Her art knows She should

  2. Hey L. Regardless of your challenges, it's nice that you still share your thoughts with us.

    So if I may, and if you can, how do you envision your perfect partner within an ideal relationship?

  3. I need to know that you want it too, otherwise we fall into that "Is this consensual?" gray area.

    Ugh! I know what you mean! My bf and I already have a kinky relationship that involves little to no power exchange. Recently, he confessed that a power dynamic is something he would like to add to our relationship. Except, his actions do not match those words.

    I wrote about it here: http://bipolykinky.blogspot.com/2012/05/suck-my-cockiness-lick-my-persuasion.html

  4. Schnoff

    Interesting. There's a lively debate going on elseNet about the submissive that wants to micromanage what she – or in your case he – wants to submit to.

    It might be semantics, in the end. To me, that sounds like a dominant bottom. When advertised as a submissive instead, things get terribly confusing.

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